Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris Februari 2014

Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris Februari 2014 - Pada artikel yang dibahas ini adalah kata kata mutiara romantis buat pacar bahasa inggris yang akan menjadi tumpuan kita penuh semangat dalam kehidupan, kata kata mutiara merupakan suatu sistem penyemangat dalam hidup yang menjelaskan keseriusan, tujuan, serta ketekunan seorang individu untuk meraih maksud hatinya, dengan adanya kata cinta yang baik dan benar maka kehidupan akan menjadi terang benderang dengan kata kunci kata cinta bahasa inggris dan artinya terbaru terupdate 2014, kumpulan kata kata bijak paling bijak terbaru 2014, kata mutiara cinta, romantis, galau, sedih, & lucu, kata kata motivasi update november 2014, kumpulan kata-kata motivasi november 2014, kumpulan kata kata bijak kehidupan penuh cinta, kumpulan kata kata galau cinta 2014, kata-kata galau patah hati bahasa inggris terbaru 2014, kata mutiara cinta 2014. Maka langsung aja lihat kumpulan kata kata ungkapan mutiara cinta dibawah ini :

Kata Kata Mutiara Terbaru Sesi Bulan Februari 2014

Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris

Kata Mutiara Cinta dan Kehidupan Bahasa Inggris 2014

Say also ...
I might lose from time to time, but I'm not a loser.
A winner is a humble soul, who rose again every time she falls.
I just have to get up one more than the amount of my fall.
I may fall a hundred times or a thousand times, but I'm going out as the winner, as long as I got a hundred and one times, or the thousand and one times.
It's my life. My fall was not significant, but I will wake up.

Is not love if easily discouraged.
Love is the beauty of the river feeling, which always finds a new flow path if it is blocked.
Love can not give up hope.

You are being hurt by the betrayal, listen to this ...
Retaliation for her to betray the prettiest love, is a person wanted by the people better than she.
Do not lower your personal classroom because his fraud.
Do not ruin the yourself because she lied.
Do not dim the light beauty of your face because of his ugliness.
And do not obey the general trend to take anything as a replacement so you do not feel disposed.
You are more classy than that.
Heed you. Announce to your heart in a more socially respectable.
It's hard to look good behind the wounds of betrayal.
But be patient.
Be the first person more attractive to people who are more classy than a traitor in love.
You'll appreciate it later, because the real betrayal is your salvation.

Demikianlah tentang kata kata mutiara cinta bahasa inggris, semoga dapat bermanfaat.
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